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Dentist; application for a clearance certificate to work abroad

If you wish to work as a dentist abroad, you will usually need a certificate of good standing.


Responsible for you

Regierung von Oberbayern - Sachgebiet 55.3 - Rechtsfragen Gesundheitsberufe

Regierung von Oberbayern

Street address

Maximilianstraße 39
80538 München

Hinweis: Wir empfehlen eine vorherige Terminvereinbarung bei persönlichen Vorsprachen

Postal address

80534 München

Procedure details

The certificate of good standing is proof of authorization to practice the dental profession in Germany without restriction. The certificate of good standing also confirms that no proceedings under professional law have been initiated and no measures under professional law have been taken.

If you are practicing or have practiced your profession in Upper Bavaria, Lower Bavaria, Swabia or in the Upper Palatinate and would like to practice the corresponding dental profession abroad in the future, the Government of Upper Bavaria is the competent authority for issuing the Certificate of Good Standing. In the case of professional activity in the other Bavarian administrative districts, the responsibility lies with the Government of Lower Franconia.

The professional activity must have been last performed in Bavaria.

  • Certificate of good conduct of document type "O
  • Clearance certificate of the Bavarian State Dental Association
    (Original or in the form of a copy officially or notarially certified in Germany)
  • Approbationsurkunde
    (Copy certified by a German seal authority or a German notary)

  • Certificate of good standing monolingual (language German): 60,00 EUR
  • Certificate of good standing bilingual (languages German and English): 80,00 EUR

The processing of the application for a Certificate of good standing may take several weeks.
Status: 04.10.2023
Editorial responsibility Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Gesundheit, Pflege und Prävention
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